As adults, it’s easy to forget that magical feeling Christmas gave us as children. Waking up to bulging stockings, believing in Santa – or playing an angel (ok, sheep) in the Nativity play. But, with a new baby in the house the magic comes back! Your baby’s first Christmas is an exciting time. They may be meeting friends and family for the first time. And, it’s the time to introduce your own family traditions.

We’ve got some top tips to make your baby’s first Christmas special – without breaking the bank! Babies don’t really need much, so we’ve come up with a list for the perfect Christmas morning…

A stocking they can keep forever!

Stockings are very much a part of our family tradition, and we have all had the same stockings from childhood. It’s always a special time, when they come down from the loft with all the decorations!

It’s the perfect gift for a baby – it’s something they will need and cherish for years to come! So avoid buying ‘baby’s first Christmas’ stocking – instead, choose one they will love for years that will be large enough to fit in future presents as your baby gets older. Step one in a new family tradition, that builds the magic of Christmas!

A Christmas keepsake

We love the idea of buying a special Christmas decoration. Firstly, if you choose something sparkly, it will be something your baby can enjoy as it twinkles in the lights on the tree throughout the day. It could also start a tradition of giving your child a decoration each year which you can hang on the tree together. As they grow older, they’ll have fun making their own decorations! Keepsakes are a perfect present for you baby as they will become associated with Christmas memories.

Baby’s first Christmas outfit

Let’s be honest, we all love dressing up at Christmas – whether in a silly jumper, or new dress. And, having a baby to dress is even more fun! Christmas clothes for babies are always so cute. From reindeer onesies, to Christmas pudding booties, there are lots of adorable Christmas themed clothes you can get for your baby’s first Christmas. And, as they grow out of clothes so quickly, there’s no reason to feel guilty!

A sensory gift they’ll enjoy

Babies don’t need many toys in the early days – so instead of spending lots of money, keep it simple. Black and white books (check out our shop for a lovely selection) are a great way to stimulate your baby’s developing sense of sight with simple faces and high contrast images. The bold black and white will give your baby something to focus on while the patterns will mesmerise and entertain them. Yes, there will be a few cross-eyed, camera-friendly moments!

Bubbles are another great, yet simple gift. Baby’s love lights and things that twinkle – bubbles and Christmas lights are easy entertainment, that everyone will enjoy! Rattles will amuse babies with the sound and develop a strong grasp reflex.

Start building memories

Photo of Baby's first ChristmasWe all take hundreds of photos of our babies – capturing all their first moments, funny faces or cute outfits. But in the age of smartphones and digital cameras, how many of these pictures make it into albums?

This is a great gift for your baby – a book of photos from their first Christmas, or the highlights from their first year. Creating a book of memories, they can look back on in the future.

From everyone here at New Life Classes, we wish you a very Merry Christmas! We hope your baby’s first Christmas is a special and memorable day. xx

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