Whilst we hope you never need to use these skills, this baby first aid course will give you the knowledge and confidence to give a baby or child first aid in a number of different scenarios.

Our baby first aid workshop in Bishopston is ideal for anyone involved in your baby’s care – parents, grandparents or babysitters. It runs on Thursday 27th February from 7pm – 9.15pm.

The class costs £30 per person and this practical course will cover:

  • Accident prevention.
  • Choking and gagging – common causes and how to respond.
  • What to do when your baby is unresponsive.
  • CPR for a baby and a child.
  • Falls, including head injuries, broken bones and bleeding.
  • Burns.
  • Poisoning – including common household products.
  • Fever and febrile seizures.
  • Meningitis awareness.

Alongside the workshop, you will also be given access to the Baby 1st Aid digital resources. This includes

  • A course handbook, including an emergency plan and 1st aid kit checklist.
  • Recommended reading and organisations.
  • Videos watched in class.

“This course made me feel a lot calmer about looking after a small human. It gave just enough information and was very hands on – which I particularly enjoyed as I feel like I may remember the content as a result of this approach. Thank you Iona for the informative whistle stop tour of looking after a little one! The digital resources are a very useful addition!”

Claire Hopkins, Baby 1st Aid Workshop

Baby 1st aid workshop registration form

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Your details


Course details and payment

This workshop costs £30 per person – it’s open to parents, grandparents and anyone involved in your child’s care. Please select the number of places you would like to book.
Price: £ 30.00

Event Terms and Conditions

Please read before submitting your payment: Event Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
I have read and agree to the terms of the event terms and conditions:*
Sensitive data:*
By registering for this Baby 1st Aid Workshop, I explicitly consent to any of the following special category data that I choose to share as part of the programme being processed by New Life Classes (or its course leaders) for the purposes of the provision of the services to be provided as part of the baby 1st aid workshop: health data, data about racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or data concerning sex life or sexual orientation.