The important role of your birth partner

The birth partner plays a really important role during labour. They are a one-stop shop of support, entertainment and advocacy for the pregnant woman, and evidence shows that women who have a companion during labour are happier with their birth experience. Whilst it is now routine for the baby's father to …

Common pregnancy symptoms

All women are different and will experience a variety of symptoms during their pregnancy. Some will experience all pregnancy symptoms, whilst others may have none at all. This article discusses some of the most common pregnancy symptoms you might come across. No periods Missing your period is one of the clearest signs …

Managing iron-deficiency in pregnancy with a healthy diet

Mild iron-deficiency, or anaemia, in pregnancy is a relatively common condition as your blood volume increases by almost 50 percent. This means that more iron is needed to make extra haemoglobin to help transport oxygen around the body. Symptoms of iron-deficiency in pregnancy Fatigue Weak nails Shortness of breath Pale pallor Weakness …

Manage your morning sickness with a healthy diet

Morning sickness effects about 90% of women at some point during pregnancy and is attributed to the changing levels of the hormone human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) in the bloodstream. Morning sickness is made worse by dips in blood sugar levels, as well as deficiencies in magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6. See articles …

Which are the safe foods for pregnancy?

This list doesn't include all foods the safe foods for pregnancy, as it would be far too long. Instead we have concentrated on supplying a list of foods that you might not be very sure about. Cheese All hard cheeses are safe in pregnancy, even if made with unpasteurised milk - including …