Pregnancy conditions explained: Pre-eclampsia

What is pre-eclampsia? Whilst the exact cause of pre-eclampsia isn't known, scientists believe it occurs when the placenta's blood vessels don't develop properly, causing it not to function as it should.  As a result of the placenta not working correctly, several issues can arise. The baby may not receive enough nutrients, and …

Pregnancy conditions explained: Gestational diabetes

What is gestational diabetes?  Gestational diabetes (GD) is diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It means that you have high sugar levels in your bloodstream. Whilst it can occur at any time, it usually develops during the second or third trimester. Our bodies use glucose or sugar for energy. If we eat more …

Oxytocin: the love hormone

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that is released when we feel happy, secure and loved. It is integral to childbirth, helping create powerful contractions or surges that help us birth effectively. It helps stimulate the flow of breastmilk, and is essential for bonding. It can be triggered by massage, laughter …

Baby’s movements in pregnancy Why is the pattern of my baby's movement's important?  Your baby's movements during pregnancy are the best indicator of their health and wellbeing. Studies show a link between absent or reduced fetal movements and poor health outcomes, such as: Giving birth to smaller babies. An increased likelihood of preterm birth. And in the worst …

Raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy

Raspberry leaf tea has been used for centuries to support women's health, including menstruation and childbirth.  People believe it:  Reduces PMS symptoms, including cramps, nausea, and diarrhoea Eases labour pains Tones the muscles of the uterus, creating more effective contractions Reduces postbirth bleeding. However, there is very little clinical evidence to support these beliefs, as …