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Deciding to have a baby during the pandemic was a big decision for us and we were initially concerned that we would not have the same experience as other expectant parents.

We knew that face-to-face support would not be an option, which was disappointing but something we knew had to be done. Our antenatal class, provided by New Life, was such a pleasant surprise! Although the classes were over zoom, Iona and Becky have tailored the classes to be informative, interactive, as well as social.

The classes gave us an opportunity to talk to other local expectant parents and it’s felt like we’ve got to know each other well. Becky and Iona are both really friendly, helpful and supportive. 

My husband and I took lots of notes and received plenty of handy tips. It really helped that the course is midwife run and that they know the local hospitals well, so you can be properly informed about your actual situation.

At a time when being an expecting mum can feel very isolating and scary, the classes really helped to make me feel part of a community. New Life classes provided me with knowledge to empower me to feel much more confident about my birth and taking care of a baby.

I would 100% recommend New Life to anyone expecting a baby.

Charlie Cooper, Bradley Stoke (Zoom)