Baby’s movements in pregnancy Why is the pattern of my baby's movement's important?  Your baby's movements during pregnancy are the best indicator of their health and wellbeing. Studies show a link between absent or reduced fetal movements and poor health outcomes, such as: Giving birth to smaller babies. An increased likelihood of preterm birth. And in the worst …

Baby-wearing: Using a baby sling safely

Finding a good baby sling that is right for you can feel a little overwhelming. There are so many to choose from; it's not surprising parents get flustered.  We recommend finding your local sling library. They will have a wide variety of slings for you to look at, try on and …

Raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy

Raspberry leaf tea has been used for centuries to support women's health, including menstruation and childbirth.  People believe it:  Reduces PMS symptoms, including cramps, nausea, and diarrhoea Eases labour pains Tones the muscles of the uterus, creating more effective contractions Reduces postbirth bleeding. However, there is very little clinical evidence to support these beliefs, as …

Reflux and silent reflux

Reflux is pretty normal in babies, it affects 4 out of 10 babies younger than a year to some extent. In mild cases, babies simply spit up a bit of their milk after a feed. However, some babies have more severe symptoms that mean they may cry and be hard …

How to make the most out of your antenatal classes

So you've chosen your class, paid your cash and are about to head to your first session with a mixture of excitement and trepidation...or maybe you're being dragged along by your partner? However you are feeling today, we want you to leave the classes having learned loads, laughed a lot …