Spiced hot chocolate for a winters day

Winter definitely has it’s charms, including cozy winter jumpers and Christmas lights on dark afternoons. But as the days get shorter, and the long nights draw in you may already be wishing for warmer spring days. But wait! Don’t wish away these dark, cold winter nights just yet. It’s the …

Planning for your baby’s first Christmas!

As adults, it’s easy to forget that magical feeling Christmas gave us as children. Waking up to bulging stockings, believing in Santa – or playing an angel (ok, sheep) in the Nativity play. But, with a new baby in the house the magic comes back! Your baby’s first Christmas is …

Welcome to our new life blog

Hi everyone, Iona and Bonny here kick starting our brand new blog. We are really excited to be joining the ever-growing world of bloggers and hope you’ll join us on this journey as we explore everything and anything to do with pregnancy, birth and parenthood – the good, the bad …