
Knowing what you can and can’t do whilst pregnant, can be a real minefield. With so much, often conflicting, information on the web it can be confusing too. Whilst it’s important to exercise in pregnancy, it is also important to do so safely and not to overdo it. So, we asked Sarah Dineen from Fit2Drop to give us some advice on safe exercise in your second trimester, based on her professional training and the many hundreds of women she’s seen safely through pregnancy.

This is only a guide. It is worth talking to your doctor and midwife before doing any physical activity, particularly if you are worried about your fitness levels.

Now the good news is that as long as your pregnancy is running smoothly, with no health complications as it was in your first trimester then not much changes in into the second trimester, you just need to make a few amendments:

No lifting weights above the head

This can cause your blood pressure to rise significantly and cause blackouts. Plus, it can be unsafe as your center of gravity is now shifting.

No exercises lying on your stomach

It might be stating the obvious, but as the bump grows the last thing you will want to be doing is lying on your tummy.

Don’t overheat

Make sure you are working out in an environment that is neither too hot, nor too cold. So hot yoga or hot Pilates at this time.

Swimming safely

Swimming might be your exercise of choice, but be aware that breaststroke can cause issues around the pelvis area leading to Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP). You can either continue with the breaststroke arm movements and kick with your legs, rather than the usual breaststroke leg movement. Alternatively, you may like to use a float and kicking motion.

Listen to your body

It is very good at telling you want is and isn’t safe; what it does and doesn’t like doing. If you are training hard but finding it difficult to get up in the morning, then you are doing too much, it’s all about moderation.

Stay healthy and happy, and look after that precious cargo, being fit and active is a good thing, but remember before you start an exercise programme make sure you have sign off from medical personnel.


Information provided by Fit2Drop.